今日推薦 拿破侖黑
閉上眼睛沉入黑色的睡眠 美夢才會降臨。在藝術(shù)家眼中 從來沒有懷疑過黑色的意義 它始終是藝術(shù)的基石 當月亮躲進云層 魅影般的黑色在暗夜中擴散 成為夜的統(tǒng)領者,沉默而神秘... In the eyes of artists, The significance of black has never been doubted, It has always been the cornerstone of art. When the moon hides in the clouds, The phantom-like black gradually spreads, Becoming the leader of the night... - 時光洗禮,天籟藝術(shù) 2024順輝天成巖板的設計師們 再度引入寶格麗靈感繆斯 汲取名貴珍稀石材之精粹 將藏在石材里的藝術(shù)與巖語共鳴 -
With Bulgari as the muse of inspiration, we draw upon precious and rare stone elements,
The deep black tone is like a black hole in the night sky, provoking deep contemplation... Large patches of white texture spread wantonly and boldly, resembling rolling waves. -
在經(jīng)典永不過時的黑白色對比碰撞 和波濤洶涌的海浪般的紋理間 構(gòu)成了高級的視覺吸引力 拿破侖黑也因其摩登的花紋風格 受到許多高奢品牌的青睞 celine、bvlgari等門店均有應用 -
The contrast and collision of black and white is a classic that never goes out of style
全新膠水定位干粒技術(shù),干粒堆疊部位形成凸起,呈柔亮光,觸感柔潤;干粒較少部位下陷,呈啞光,具有【粗獷】顆粒感,質(zhì)感層層遞進。每一寸,每一毫,都透露出順輝天成巖板的品質(zhì)與匠心。 -
純黑與純白的詮釋 是一種返璞歸真的探尋 身處靜謐空間,心回冥想之境 讓身心在黑白場里回歸真我 理石系列Marble series|拿破侖黑